Thursday, January 31, 2019

February 2019 DOOMBOX on sale!

Feb 2019's Doombox is now on sale - very limited numbers. Visit our webstore HERE to grab yourself a treat.

February's Doombox is a great mystery box designed to show off a variety of historical and sci-fi miniatures: this month it's 100% plastic with 13 miniatures!

Wednesday, January 16, 2019

Launch Box Contents Revealed

The contents of the launch box (Dec 2018) revealed (now sold out)

Only a handful were available so many thanks!

Friday, January 11, 2019

A Perfect Place to Sample New Miniatures

The Wargamer Doombox is the perfect place to sample new miniatures and widen your gaming horizons. Every month a new box provides you with new models from across the wargaming world; as well as hobby aids, paints and extra special items (depending on the month). Personally curated to reflect our idea of the perfect hobby box.

Buy the lastest Doombox HERE at our webstore. We're currently doing 3-month subscriptions too.

Contents of the Christmas extra-large Doombox (sold out)

A Subscription Box for Miniature Wargamers and Model Painters

Looking for a subscription box designed for miniature wargamers and painters? The Wargamer Doombox   might be what you're looking for!...